Tuesday, July 26, 2011


One can not break that is merly bending..
There is nothing one can not handle that is not formed from pain...
That you can not master, is the inside stronger or weaker... Than take what you have an accept it..
This may mean you change it later and deal now with the inside and not the outside..
Because the outside slowly fades away and what you are left with is what you have become...
Have you weakened and broken when you should have just bent...
Have you given in to things just for now...That scar you...now and forever...
Has this changed you, or have you let it change you...
Can you bend or will you break...and what is the point where you will take the pain of bending over quick death of breaking...

Death of what  you ask...death of your self... death of what you are in side...to become some mold of the right person...the cute sexy , stick that can't look you in the eye because she dose not know who she is...
Or are you going to be the woman that knows  who she is  not because of what some one else says but because she has gone through the hell and had  her God with her, and to hell with what others say, there is no need to break your self to be with  this world, when you can bend and go through pain with God, knowing that he will be there at the end...and the world will leave you once you break...
What good are you to them once you are just like them.??? They have no use for mirrors...mirrors make you see things they see...a friend taught me its not the mirror  I am looking at...its inside of you...
So let Your self bend... and be you or break and be what they want.....

1 comment:

  1. to bend and not to break
    to twist, not snap for goodness sake.
