Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Love in time

Learning again is hard…

To put trust in any one…

To trust they will never place your love in danger…

To place the most valuable thing in your life in their hands…

Calls for more than you may ever know…

When the trust of love has broken down…

There Is not a way to believe again …

Or is there? ?

I know that time heals all wounds or so they say…

But how long does the memory last…

When is it that you see a thing that reminds you…

I have eyes looking back at me that remind me…

Why they ask me …

All I have to tell them is all will be well

God will see us through, everything will work out we will have each other…

No matter what material things we have to give up, we are forever together…

Love will come one day and we all will be ok, regardless…

Our love will never go anywhere…

Our will stay, forever..

No more pain, though we don't see tomorrow we have today…

Love will come and love will stay and if it doesn't than it was never love any way…

No matter how many colors you try to color it if poop is purple it's still stinks…

Just looks prettier on the outside… but in side…well its….poop..

No matter – love is love . . .

Love will be here forever…

Sunday, February 6, 2011


When I was younger I never thought that I would want to go back to school so much…

But times have shown me that I can help out so many people if I do, so many have been in my shoes..

With few people to understand them when they come home, so this is my plan…

I am going back to school( started ) and going to do my BS in Psychology and then I am going to move on to

My Masters in psychology and then on to my counseling licensing and going to be a help in some way to the same families that mine was , and still is

Prior military, with knowledge of long times apart and quick coming home and moving out again…

So many people don't get where they are and how it's hard to adjust things like that. . .

Most people think its supposed to come normal to a Soldier, but in most cases its taught over time, and it's all self-taught…

Its something you have to learn on your own there is no one that really gets in your very shoes…lots will say they know…but no one really knows…

Bless everyone's path as they travel- Cat out….

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Weight Re-Start

So Tomorrow is a new start for a lot of things and one is a Diet -

Things right now have been hard; I've become used to things the way they were...

But things are changing and I would like to change with them-


At first this Diet idea wasn't really mine, but after tonight I have been thinking,

And looking at old pictures of me and now, a lot has changed...


But there are something's I need to change along with it. For better

I think that it would help in the long run, so I have started this plan and

Journey hoping that I can regain some of my esteem from the year's journey…


Whatever has past let is such pass… Whatever is to come let it come gracefully…

With God's dear blessings I hope, to all of you, whoever read this…

And join me on this Long road…Towards health and possible new beginning's

For a Better year, a better life for all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

With it all

With in it all - there is something we are missing.
There must be something we are missing..
What is it that Drives some one to think they can take on the world, with out a dollar to their name?
What is it that  pulls this same person to think they can do any thing...?

Because of Him....

There was a man once - he was a man....
or some it seemed, I fell deep in love hopelessly seeing him as a man.
Than one day I woke up, in the sands hearing what this man had done....
This love of my life, selfishly I had clinged to some thing that was not supposed to be...
I loved a boy, who should have been a man...turned in to a father before he wanted to...
Treated a woman like a tool, an a child like a prop..
What I learned may  I never have to relearn..there is love and likeing - but love is never likeing
more than it is love...and love can not be more than likeing.... you have to have both sometimes, but not more than each other...and they both have to love and like..not just one...
God will watch over all...
I have learned alot because of  him..
I pray he grows to a man one day...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOKI_tIBWVIHow I felt once...But things Change....Bless you love.

Life Now

When you think that things are worse, they get that way…

And when you want them to get better…they take a long time to get that way...

Why is it that I think that things can change and why is it that I am so confused?

What is it that life thinks it can keep taking and never giving back to me? When broke is never

Broken enough for anyone to look twice and help…

When is enough to much for one person?

How do you explain broke to a child when they have faith that everything is theirs?

How I need my faith to be like a child's, God you see me through and when I always fear the worst you show me a brighter day…

Today it's cold but it's also warm, we have a house and food, and each other. Some people don't

Why is it that we can never see what we have outside of seeing what it is we don't?

I could only have the faith like a child. God I would be blessed and the richest ever.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


What holds your heart and hands.
Seems never to change, though times ever change
There is no reason, some times love stays..
Regardless you want to have fellings for things..
It is what we are called to do, love all..
But when do the memories leave??
When do the  Good times come back ? ?
Is this ever true they leave, and never come again?
When love is lost, Can it again be found?
Or is it found again in the eyes that never turn?
I have shelter in the rain, I have arms that will never let me go
My Father for ever will hold me.
My kids will for ever love me.
And Though there is pain in what  Love I have in my heart and in my  memories
There is forever  to know that I have love of God, And the blessings he gives me...
For Ever.